Exam stress is widespread throughout the year and it’s not just students feeling the strain. Teachers experience their own levels of exam stress as they lead they groups through the...
As Teachers we’ve all most likely seen the impact exam stress can have on our students. Firstly, it puts pressure on all those involved in supporting learners. Whilst we may have strategies...
School exam stress is an ongoing and challenging problem for many schools, but teachers often feel unprepared to manage student stress. Introducing specific professional development training in...
When we get confident at identifying early signs of exam anxiety, in our students, we put ourselves in a great position to offer a range of stress reduction strategies. As we recognise the signs we...
There are many causes of Exam Stress and exam anxiety in students. We each react in our own way to different situations. Knowing students’ general stress points can help us recognise...
A quick review of your school’s GCSE and A Level Exam Results should give an idea of the challenges students faced last summer in managing their exam stress.
Stress is a common factor during...
This month I’m bringing out my new course on Developing the Exam Mindset.
It’s had a long run in and there have been times when I’ve wondered if I I should put myself out...
Many of us life in fear for what the future might bring. The news tells us of world events and our minds turn the coverage over and over until we start to fear for what’s ahead.
I spoke at Conference recently and it was a mix of feelings. People said I was a ‘natural’, ‘inspiring’, ‘informed’. Well that was a little amazing,...
Many of us hit burnout in our working lives through working long hours and over stretching our energies. We feel unable to slow down the pace and are driven to maintain a particular level of...
There’s often a blame culture in our offices. We’re loathe to be responsible for problems or situations. Personal accountability is more than a buzz term. It should be...
One of my colleagues is excessively demanding – with no understanding of how they brush up against me.
There’s many ways I could handle it, and sometimes I get it wrong. But when...