Get your 4 essentials of Mindful Communication

The 4 essentials of Mindful communication

Download your copy now to boost your "Emotional Intelligence"

Communicating with Colleagues Emotional Intelligence Conversations for the 21st Century

How to raise the EQ standards of your workforce and minimise communication fall-out

It’s imperative that we ‘get on’ with our colleagues in the workplace . We all know we need to collaborate and co-operate with others. But it isn’t always easy. 

Showing  empathy is a challenge that needs a cut above the usual range of people skills that many of us just haven’t figured out yet.

In the 21st Century workplace, the key skill to Communicating with Colleagues is “Emotional Intelligence”. That’s being aware of how to use and express  our emotions for the good of all concerned.

So how can you help your staff develop this EQ (emotional intelligence) that  is seen as more important than the traditional IQ?

Until we know different, we’ll continue to jog along with others based on what we’ve learnt to think about ourselves, our lives, our roles and our purpose. We may never have learned how to put ourselves in others’ shoes, to listen well, or to consider ‘the greater good’. Because this IS something we need to be shown. We have to see what matters in a whole new perspective and EQ is how you’ll help your staff towards a better appreciation of their colleagues.

Many workers may tell you they have a problem with someone at their workplace.  The expensive fall out of our failure to communicate well is often  resignations, and grievances. And that’s not good for anyone involved.

So let’s get back to The Problem and how you’ll help your Teams get through it.

The simple solution is that The Problem isn’t The Problem,.  The Problem is how we think about and process our response to The Problem that’s the Problem.  Crack that Conversation Code and you’ve a fast growing Team who are attentive, appreciative and considerate of their colleagues.

And it doesn’t take much to make those changes in thinking.  Just a little prodding, pushing and provoking to new ways of looking at things.

For the past 13 years I have been working in a  busy HMP Education Department.

I’ve learnt how to respond to challenging individuals, to anticipate their reactions to my conversations and to look at how they see me and process my 1:1 interactions.

My purpose at work is to bring out the best in each of them.

My focus everyday is to  talk with grace and gratitude, to respect and listen with empathy and to ask questions that help me understand their world view.

When I understand them, I can be understood better.

(It’s not all plain sailing though– I still work with ego driven Officers who love what they do and who they are).

In the past few years I’ve delivered Mindfulness workshops at conferences, led workshops in schools, and created in-cell Mindfulness workbooks and Meditations  for our prisoners.

I’ve had experience of working in a tough place, and talking to tough men driven by ego, and their opinion of themselves and their success at dominating conversation outcomes.

Generally, that’s not worked with me. I’m solid on consistent consideration for others – no matter what ‘form’ they’ve got.

So what's in the course?

So let's go through what you can expect from this course.

Communicating with Colleagues focus’ is on changing thinking. The emphasis is on sharing Mindful ways of conducting conversations. Most sections include ’Now You’ workbooks full of prompt questions and exercises to challenge thinking.

Module 1 What is Good Communication? Looks at the power of words to destroy or heal. We all remember the feeling left behind after difficult conversations. There’s also a section here on developing solid listening skills. Now You includes a number of reflective exercises to challenge our thinking.

Module 2  You are what you think unpicks the process that creates our set responses and perspective. Developing Emotionally Intelligent Thinking Skills is a key part of the course. The section on How Colleagues Affect our Stress shows the 2- step process of communication and the power we have to change the outcome of our conversations. Now You looks at our ‘automatic behaviour’ around key issues and people and starts the ‘thinking different’ process.

Module 3 What is Mindful Communication?– here we discuss why we should practice the Mindful approach of Non-Judgement in the workplace. Learning to see things from The Other Perspective is an important shift towards more Mindful communications.

Now You worksheets build on the learning and encourage a deeper dive into why and how we react as we do and what we might change for the Greater Good. What do employees Want? gives employees an opportunity to talk about their view of a positive Company culture which can form a solid basis for future policy planning. 5 Love Languages asks them to look at ways to show kindness and appreciation  for others in the workplace.

Module 4 Gossip, Gripes and Grievances builds on earlier topics. Staff are reminded that how they think about a problem, is the problem, and are asked to consider how they may be drawn towards dissatisfaction and drawn into gossip.

And finally,in  It Ain’t what you say …  we’re reminded that emotionally intelligent communication asks us all to consider what we say, and the way that we say it.

Your purchase gives you a logon for one individual using the email address provided.  Once you access the information you can decide how you share it in your organisation.

  • You may like to download the resources and hand them out in a workshop style session with break out sessions for discussion and worksheet completion.
  • Alternatively, you may distribute the materials to your SLT teams and ask them to supervise individual study.
  • Or you may choose to have one, or a number of large group delivery sessions direct from the included PPT.
  • Perhaps you want to include a timescale for course completion, or to drip feed the material on a regular basis – perhaps through email, for colleagues to study at home.

There are a number of possibilities. Choose whatever works best for you.

The Training section of your course includes a Powerpoint Presentation and a pdf Completion Certificate for you to print for participants. This training evidence can be added to personal Continuous Professional Development folders.

"This is professional and clear and would suit class based training perfectly."

Jon Neal
Head of Learning and Development, PeoplePlus


Why is this relevant in today’s workplace?
Our current workplace is a melting pot of personalities.  Human Resource Departments oversee a record number of Grievances from staff stifled by poor communication channels. Emotional Intelligence is the way forward – helping colleagues communicate for the highest good of all concerned.

How is this part of CPD?
All staff are required to undertake continuous professional development and personal skills are a high priority to ensure smooth conversations. We communicate on so many levels and platforms each day – conscious and unconscious. Awareness and appreciation is the key to maintaining a strong bond within your Teams. 


Communicating with Colleagues


Module 1
What is good communication?
The power of words
The listening process

Module 2 
You are what you think 
How colleagues affect our stress

Module 3
What is Mindful Communication?
Practising non -judgement
Mindful communication
The other perspective
How do you..?
What do employees want?
5 love languages

Module 4
Gossip, gripes and grievances

Module 5 
Training Resources
In-house Training Powerpoint
Certificate of Completion

All supported with step by step Now You workbooks.

I want Communicating with Colleagues

What next?

Consider the benefits of reducing lodged grievances and raising expectations of EQ conversations. How might this improve the culture in your workplace? How could relationships and understanding of colleagues be improved with Mindful approaches to the many daily interactions staff have each day? How could this form part of your commitment to Professional Development and ongoing CPD? Decide now to support your teams


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