Struggling with Challenging Students?

Supporting students with individual challenges can take a toll on your resources,  support staff,  time and energy. 

Get the answer on how to support your pastoral and wellbeing team AND that small group of students who demand most of their time and attention.


You’ve tried everything:

  • One-to-one plans to offer support.
    You’ve asked your colleagues to create 1:1 plans to help them build individual student relationships
  • Interventions from already overstretched specialist staff.
    You’ve used teams of hard-pressed specialist staff to work with these students as different situations have come up
  • Endless conversations with parents and teams.
    You’ve had lengthy conversations with your teams and with parents to come up with appropriate responses to behaviour challenges

But the underlying issues persist, leaving everyone—students, staff, and parents—frustrated.

Although you've focussed all your specialist resources on them, some of their personal issues remain deep set and you haven’t been able, yet, to dig into what’s behind the patterns you see them showing in school.

You’ve been using a single approach to remedy each separate problem.

That’s rather like putting a plaster on a wound and hoping it will heal once it’s out of sight.  It’s like thinking, if you can’t see the problem (the behaviour) then everything must be sorted, right?!

But that hasn't worked, so how can you help them look at their pain?

If change hasn’t come about by your excellent 1:1 work what do you try next?

  • How can you help these students to peel back the layers they’ve used to cover over the hurt that’s causing them to rebel or refuse school?
  • How do you help them dig down into the particular challenge that’s giving them so much pain and makes them step back from school life?
  • How can you give them a way to look at some things that might be worrying them, without the overwhelm of a 1:1 or group setting and without any teacher-directed influence that might be taken the wrong way?

The Solution is ...  
The Mindfulness in Schools Workbooks 

Workbooks that help students to understand their personal challenges

It's a Fresh Approach to Student Wellbeing . Each of the 8 Mindfulness based workbooks is focussed on a separate topic

 AS ADDITIONAL BONUSES: Each workbook comes with a number of specially recording mp3s to support the content AND an interactive pdf Student Workbook complete with embedded audios, which can be filled in electronically

Tested within His Majesty's Prisons (UK)

Originally used in this most challenging place, these workbooks are proved as the ideal way to support vulnerable or challenging students.

Working in their own time, without staff intervention, gives them the freedom to choose their own study time and decide how best to go through the content.

This worked particularly well when our learners were supported by outreach workers checking in on them regularly.

Watch the video to see the content of the Mindfulness in Schools Workbooks


To register click the Register button below

Here's more detail about the 8 workbooks

  • Mindfulness
    This is an introduction to Mindfulness with exercises on Noticing, Mindful Eating and Walking. Student will be encouraged to try regular 'Mindful Five' periods.
    All the exercises are based on standard mindfulness practices
  • Meditation
    Topics cover personal resistance to stillness, challenges, expectations and setting a meditation schedule. After a Guided Meditation, students will be prompted to create a personal script leading to a happy place in their memory
  • Tapping
    Tapping is used to release deep seated responses to life. It combines acupressure (or tapping) on the body's energy points whllst saying personal statements about their feelings. It is especially helpful in managing overwhelm and used widely in support therapies
  • Dealing with Anger
    This workbook looks at personal triggers and includes imagining to release negative thoughts. There’s also a quiz, a set of scenario questions and a letter writing exercise to get emotions out of your students' heads down onto the page
  • Coping with Change
    Exercises look at how students have made choices in life. it encourages good decision making and challenges students to notice their 'fork in the road' and ‘Mind the Gap’ moments. The workbook includes mindful Mental Rehearsal techniques for a Mindful future
  • Guilt and Forgiveness
    By accepting ‘they are not their past’ students can start to let go of any guilt in life they may be holding onto. Exercises include Conversations on the Inside, Meditation, writing ourselves a forgiveness letter and squaring things with a higher power
  • Handling Pain
    By looking at their previous patterns of behaviour,students learn to come off ‘automatic’ and notice how they react to their feelings.The exercises on visualising and letting go, share new ways of thinking better
  • Habits
    Starting with a look their usual ways of reacting to things, students will begin to plan replacement activities. Mindfulness exercises include a focus on goals, affirmations, ‘trying on’ new habits for size and a releasing meditation

3 of the workbooks are based on the popular mindful topics of Mindfulness, Meditation and Tapping.

Each explores their subject in greater depth.

These Core Mindful Principles are practical ways to help your students handle any difficult situation. 5 of the titles are focussed on common challenges facing our young people today.

Built on tried-and-tested methods, these workbooks give students the tools to:

  • Reflect on their emotions.
  • Develop coping strategies.
  • Build confidence in managing their anxiety and behaviours.


Why This Works

Developed and tested in a UK Prison, this Series of Mindfulness Workbooks has received outstanding feedback for its ability to encourage reflection and positive change.

Those workbooks have now been specially adapted to use in Schools. 

The original Mindfulness workbook is still part of the Prison Education Department Offering and receives positive feedback from both Prisoners and Governors.

Read what the Governors and Managers say about this Series

"The intent of courses developed in this style was to advance a resident’s knowledge through information, practical exercises and questions, using learning and reflection to help the resident plan for making positive changes in their future. They have been approved by our Quality Team and showcased in other establishments due to their excellence. Courses are often requested by Prison Offender Managers in order for a resident to progress on their sentence"

Zenildo Casonecca
Education Manager, People Plus, HMP Etablishment

"With Geraldine’s expert guidance and skills, we now have a new range of education which is directly impacting people’s life’s in a hugely positive manner. Courses like mindfulness are facilitating learners to cope with their current predicament and gives them strategies to help reduce stress and anxiety. Feedback received is invariably positive and shows that Geraldine’s courses can help everyone, no matter what situation you find yourself in. Thank you, you have made a difference! "

Pete Donovan
Deputy Education Manager, People Plus, HMP Norwich

With Mindfulness in Schools, students take ownership of learning at their own pace, freeing your staff for other priorities.

Whether used independently, in small groups, or as part of PSHE lessons, these workbooks provide a flexible, ready-to-go solution.

Let's look at the value of the contents

You get 2 versions available to suit your sharing needs:

1. 8 x digital fillable version  complete with embedded topic audios (value £449)

2. 8 x printable version with additional download audios (value £449)

That's £998 worth of resources - before we've even looked at the Bonus' I am going to include with your registration!


That makes everything in your Mindfulness in School Series a £1286 value

Can you say how much it would SAVE YOUR budget, if you were able to release your Pastoral staff from JUST ONE daily or weekly commitment?

But there's no need to spend £1286 when for HALF this you get ALL the value

The cost of Mindfulness in Schools is ONLY £497




8 Standalone Workbooks

Coping with Change
Dealing with Anger
Handling Pain
Guilt and Forgiveness


Additional mp3 audio recordings for extra support and 1:1 sessions

Full set of digital Interactive Workbooks 

Register for the Mindfulness in Schools Series

You'll have 8 workbooks that you can use year in and year out. Workbooks that will help your students work on their own and take a look under the covers at what comes up for them with different issues.

And you can set your own 1:1 sessions to follow up as suits  your less stretched timetable, providing a safe and supported environment for your discussions. With less time spent overseeing, there’s more time free for conversations.


I know that this Mindfulness in Schools Series can help your students work on their personal levels of anxiety. This will in time, show in shifts in their thinking and in their behaviour.

It's impossible to say how long it may take to see any change in individual students, but even so, I offer a 60-day “Do the Work” guarantee.

I ask that those working with your Students complete the relevant workbook with a number of different learners to help you measure the value of the content. You will need to be able to show both Pastoral Support and Students’  responses to all the exercises.

If, after sharing each workbook with a number of students, you have NO change in how the students feel about themselves,  then we will look at your application for a refund.

"This course is amazing from start to finish. All I wanted to do was read and see what was said and then go to the next part to see what was next and learn some more. It kept me interested from the beginning. The content was plentiful without being boring or repetitive. I loved the fact that you could press complete, which gives a real sense of satisfaction and that also meant you could come back to the course at any time and know where you were at – very useful. I listened to the mindfulness recordings felt completely relaxed and excited to listen to more and move on with the course. I have to say this exceeded my expectations and was a professional, warm, encouraging, fascinating and interesting course and I don’t doubt that it will be a huge success "

Alison Gold
Examinations Officer and Data Manager, Brampton College, London

You're already the expert - you know your students

With the Mindfulness in Schools Series, you have prepared exercises to share with your students, ready-to-go. when they come to you for support. 

Hand them out to those students who need them, or use them as wider year group based discussion topics to help everyone take control of their thinking. 

Your Pastoral Team will value the extra support the Series give them in providing an alternative way to support  your most challenging students.

So now, what will you choose?

Will you carry on trying to tame the behaviour you see, or will you help students dig into the why behind it and help them find new ways to handle what’s hurting them?

What VALUE will you put on helping JUST ONE dis-engaged student learn to manage the feelings that might be crushing them at the moment?

 For £497, you’ll receive resources you can use year after year, saving time, staff hours, and frustration.

Imagine the impact of helping even one disengaged student regain their confidence and enthusiasm for learning.

Your Mindfulness in Schools Series is ready to go.

Our Prisoner Learners have been using them for a while now in one of the most difficult places of all to stay strong. 

 If it’s helping some of them, what could it do for you and your students?

Are you ready to  find out the difference that Mindfulness can make?

My intention for you, through this series is to help you free up your hard pressed pastoral staff

  • You'll be able to give your challenging students a way to work through things that trouble them in an independent yet supported way
  • Your students will begin to understand the thinking behind their behaviour
  • They'll practice new ways to handling their feelings (which you can encourage)
  • This can shift how they think about themselves
  • and that in turn can improve how they behave around others
  • and how they act in school

Frequently Asked Questions

No! they don't. They can be used by any teacher in the classroom though you may want to use your specialist staff to guide conversations with your vulnerable students

Of course! Use them to introduce wider topics and to look more closely at the range of subjects covered in the series.  Use the exercises as extra handouts to support your own lessons, or share them as extra support materials. You decide what works best for you

You know your individual students best and should decide that with them.  Some may benefit from working on the exercises by themselves. 

You may like to be with others as they go through tgheir workbooks,  to be able to support them as thoughts come up.You are the specialists who work with your students regularly. 

Please use your judgement in providing the best Pastoral Care alongside tThe Mindfulness In Schools Series.  

My suggestions are for general guidance only.

Everyone who works through The Series will have a different response to the content.

No-one can guarantee personal responses to the material, so it is wise not to have set expectations, but to let students work through the exercises, with you on hand to encourage and guide them as needed.

"It is so refreshing to find a course which is easy to follow, simple to engage with and complete, and which gives some excellent hints and tips on how relatively small changes can help to develop a much more positive, relaxed and stress-free perspective on an individual's life and approach to everyday activities. The language used is appropriate and easy to understand for students and staff alike, and the content encourages users to not only consider personal circumstances, but also how to develop and improve senses and feelings with simple everyday activities and techniques."

Jugjit Chima
Head of Training, The Exams Office


The Mindfulness in Schools Series takes no responsibility for any change in behaviour that may come from sharing these exercises with your students. For positive change to happen, you need to continue to work closely with your challenging students, supporting them with your Specialist Teams.


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