Officer Training

Officer Mental Health and Wellbeing should be Front Line Thinking

Over the past few years I’ve worked in the Education Department of a B category male prison in the UK.

I’ve seen Officers brought down by stress. I’ve witnessed flare ups and situations that have led to breakdowns and resignations.

The workplace can be a challenging place.  We need to be on our A game so that we stay mentally strong. This is no place to bring weak thinking and anxious thoughts.

Our Officers continue to get excellent practical training on National Standards of Prison Delivery. They follow detailed procedures and complete lengthy paperwork. But none of this can prepare our Officers for the mental challenges that life on the inside brings. 

Every day. Every area. Every place. A potential hazard, waiting to happen.

These past few years I’ve proposed Modules on Mindfulness be included in National UK Training. But understandably things are slow to change.

But this can change. Autonomous Governors now have charge of their budgets and can make their own decisions on what’s of value.

When Officers have Mindfulness Training they learn Listening and Communication Skills that should be commonplace. That's talking from a place of respect and grace and acting for the greater good, whilst maintaining personal safety.

No one questions the practical approaches to situations. It’s the hidden, non verbal reactions that can run deep, and if left unchecked can grow into dis-ease with their environment.  Perhaps sickness, and maybe personal withdrawal.

We CAN make Mindfulness approaches common place in our Prisons.  We can teach our Officers how to manage their stress, how to breathe and de-escalate their own reactions. We can share breakaway techniques such as finding space, noticing, awareness, listening, meditation, tapping, and others.

Some of the terms may be familiar, but the techniques are based on self-care, personal well-being and gaining a mindful perspective on things.

Whilst our Officer Training is unparalleled, there is space for ongoing Specialist Mindfulness and CPD Training for established Officers.

The success of our own Mindfulness workbooks and my Meditation recordings prove that Mindfulness can bring positive change.

Do you want to bring Mindfulness to your Prison?

See how we've been introducing Mindfulness at HMP Norwich and join the 2023 Launch List


Officer Training is a Nationally prescribed programme in many countries. Quite rightly this maintains standards. Most Prisons undertake further specialist training at designated training centres, and also on-site.

Where Governors have the authority to designate areas of spending, they are able to call in specialist training to meet a specific training need.

Mindfulness is THE go-to approach for mental health and well-being. I have included a number of Personal Development approaches to the Mindful Approach of the course to cover the essentials of Prisoner Communication.

Any training that improves the way conversations are instigated and managed has positive ripples for the future.

Supporting Officers to manage their stress and communicate well is a win for all aspects of Prison Life.

Any specialist training that puts Officer welfare centre front focus’ on maintaining staff wellbeing.  The Service experiences high levels of sickness.  Mindfulness training will help Officers manage their stress levels. Long term this will build resilience and increase staff retention.

The training has 2 approaches – Managing Staff Stress and Managing Prisoner Interactions. The Personal and Social Skills training will help Officers consider How they work with Prisoners whilst the Mindfulness sections cover practical techniques.

This mix helps participants with the 2 basic challenges they face each working day.

Mindfulness training offers solutions and group or cohort training enables you to affect the positive future behaviour of your band of Officers.

If you have the freedom to do so, include the modules in your Entry Level Training programme. If not, deliver training as part of your on-going commitment to staff welfare and well-being.

The course can be led by a designated Training Officer or through your Wellbeing Department.

The course comes with full details of delivery options within your own Prison Establishment.

Your purchase will enable you access your course materials forever.  Refresher courses and extension courses are in development.

"Thank you for all the work you did developing the packs. They have benefitted the men and I hope will continue to add value to the in cell offer in the future"

Paul Mortimer
Learning, Skills and Employment Manager

"This course is amazing from start to finish. All I wanted to do was read and see what was said and then go to the next part to see what was next and learn some more. It kept me interested from the beginning. The content was plentiful without being boring or repetitive I loved the fact that you could press complete, which gives a real sense of satisfaction and that also meant you could come back to the course at any time and know where you were at – very useful. I listened to the mindfulness recordings and watched the videos and felt completely relaxed and excited to listen to more and move on with the course. I have to say this exceeded my expectations and was a professional, warm, encouraging, fascinating and interesting course and I don’t doubt that it will be a huge success "

Alison Gold
Examinations Officer and Data Manager,Brampton College, London

"These are professional and clear and would suit class based training perfectly"

Jon Neal
Head of Learning and Development, PeoplePlus

"You presented in such an insightful and informative manner, which I noticed, engaged every person in the room. I have never fully considered taking mindfulness so directly into a work space - so it was refreshing to hear that using the techniques which you described within a business framework. I especially liked hearing that people give the way they would like to receive; I am going to use this and power forward. Hopefully The Exams Office will book you again next year. You were my speaker of the day! "

Mrs E Dyson, Attendance and Exam officer
John Ruskin School, London, SE5

Mindfulness Officer Training

Module 1 
How we show stress and dis-ease
What is Mindfulness?
Attitudes and benefits

Module 2 
Personal and Social Skills

Listening to yourself and others
Communicating with prisoners
Building resilience
Now You – Personal and Social Skills 

Module 3
Managing personal stress
Noticing and Mind the Gap
Breathing and Time Out/Mindful Five
Doing a Check In
Visualising and Affirmations
Now You – Mindful Techniques 

Module 4 
Supporting prisoners
Working as a Personal Officer
Noticing and signposting
Support options
Using Listeners
Now You – Supporting Prisoners 

Module 5 
Training Materials
Officer Training Powerpoint
Officer Completion Certificate
Editable Landing Flyer
Editable Support Contacts List

We want to train our Officers in Mindfulness

Put Mindfulness up front with your Front Line Officers

There's never been a better time to support your Officers with specialist Mindfulness Training. You'll be giving them the tools to manage their own wellbeing, whilst being Mindful of those they work with around.


My '7 Steps to Introducing Mindfulness' Plan makes you the expert. Get your 30pp workbook and start now!