My Ready to go Powerpoint presentation will help you deliver Exam Mindset training to your staff and students.
This 26 slide Powerpoint presentation is subject ready.
The content and concepts covered supports your course materials and worksheets.
The editable PPT can also be a sound basis for your own tailored in-house training.
You'll also get a 13pp workbook on How to Get Your Staff On board and suggestions on drafting a Letter to Parents.
It will get you up and running, and able to start sharing your ideas with your school community.
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Your course contains Mindfulness techniques such as:
Breathing exercisesDoing a check InMind the GapEFT /TappingLetting GoMeditationVisualisations and Affirmations
This course is amazing from start to finish. All I wanted to do was read and see what was said and then go to the next part to see what was next and learn some more. It kept me interested from the beginning. The content was plentiful without being boring or repetitive I loved the fact that you could press complete, which gives a real sense of satisfaction and that also meant you could come back to the course at any time and know where you were at – very useful. I listened to the mindfulness recordings and watched the videos and felt completely relaxed and excited to listen to more and move on with the course. I have to say this exceeded my expectations and was a professional, warm, encouraging, fascinating and interesting course and I don’t doubt that it will be a huge success
Alison Gold
This looks fabulous – really useful and I think something that Exam Officers could use it to enhance their value to the candidates and centres by leading this.
Katherine McDiarmid