Getting Students to take responsibility for their exam stress well being

There’s a common misconception that exam stress is part of ‘who we are’ and that some of us are ‘floored’ by it, more than others. Whilst it’s true that many students will find themselves overwhelmed by various degrees of panic, it’s also true that our ability to manage stress is not ‘pre-set.
We can learn how to manage and dissolve our fears. Those of us who seem unaffected by worry have merely learnt their own coping strategies and levels of personal expectation.
There are many factors that affect our students’ ability to do their best at exam time. We owe it to them to give them ways to manage their feelings, but in order for them to take them on, they need to know WIIFT.
Working towards Change
I’ve worked at an HMP Establishment these past 15 years, and seen those who take on new ideas and those who don’t. It’s not rocket science to appreciate that we all need to see what’s in it for us before we expend any effort on something new.
As parents too, we know we can’t force youngsters to do what they don’t want to do! We all need to see the benefits before diving into the effort it will need to make change part of our new way of working.
None of us are likely to change until we see the steps involved (effort and energy out) and the likely result. It’s an emotional trade. We trade our time and effort in return for the prize we’re heading for.
The Psychology of Change
There are many stress management courses available to school. The ones that work best are those that understand this psychology and show students the Why and the How of Change.
They know that whilst schools may have invested in new programme, NOTHING WILL CHANGE unless the students themselves accept responsibility for their own wellbeing.
And they won’t move towards than until they SEE how the careful steps in your lessons can help them get where they want to be.
Of course this needs them to:
- Want to do well at exam time
- Want to manage their fears
- Want to stop feeling overwhelmed
- Want to walk into the exam room and feel calm and in control
Any programme you introduce needs to include guidance on how to get your students to understand the WIIFT amongst your sessions. It needs to shift them towards figuring out their situation, where it fits in with the ‘new thinking’ and what’s involved.
They need to clearly see the expectations asked of them, so they can decide if the trade is worth it. They won’t step towards the brave new offering of being ‘Calm and in Control at Exam Time’ until everything else is lined up.
- That they see THEIR situation
- They understand THEIR challenges
- They know WHERE they want to go
- They agree with you that THIS is the way to get them there
- And they TRUST you to walk with them and guide them in what they need to do
So what can you do to help them take responsibility for the change it needs?
Can you ask yourself some honest questions about how you’re helping them to ‘be the change they seek’ – as Gandhi reminded us?
Change needs to come from within. We can’t force it on our students.
They have to see it’s worth their effort. And they won’t know any of that until we, as teachers, show them what they could be, with tweaks and shifts in their thinking.
Are you looking for a School Stress Strategy you can fit in around your set timetable? I offer ready-to-go ideas you can slot into your existing schedule. Book a call to talk through some ideas.